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Basic etiquettes for any interview

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 4:08 am
by MHN
By following a few basic etiquettes, you can demonstrate your professionalism, respect, and interest in the position, and increase your chances of making a positive impression on the interviewer.
  • Be on time: Arrive at the interview location 10-15 minutes early to give yourself time to get settled and mentally prepare.
  • Dress professionally: Wear attire that is appropriate for the company culture and the type of job you are interviewing for.
  • Greet the interviewer: Stand up, make eye contact, smile, and offer a firm handshake. Introduce yourself by name. In case of more than one interviewers, handshake may not be recommended. A loud greeting to all will suffice.
  • Be positive and polite: Show enthusiasm for the position and the company, and be respectful to everyone you meet during the interview. T
  • Listen carefully: Pay close attention to the interviewer's questions and make sure you understand what is being asked.
  • Answer questions thoroughly: Provide detailed and thoughtful answers to each question. Use specific examples and data to support your points.
  • Ask questions: Show your interest in the company by asking thoughtful and relevant questions. Avoid asking about salary or benefits during the first interview.
  • Follow up: After the interview, send a thank-you note to the interviewer to express your appreciation and reiterate your interest in the position.
  • Be professional: Avoid using slang or overly casual language, and turn off your phone before the interview.